Individual 1:1 Coaching

Personal Coaching

Provides the guidance, support and accountability needed to bravely challenge self-doubt, reframe your thinking and build confidence to achieve your goals.

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Why Personal Coaching?

80% of people who receive coaching experience increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.” ICF (International Coaching Federation) 2009.

Through Personal Development Coaching, You Will:

Gain clarity about your strengths, values and goals for the future

Challenge your perceived limitations  

Identify Your Strengths

Build Your Confidence

Guided self-reflection


Achieve Steady 

That will help you deepen self-awareness, manage self-doubt and know your strengths.

And encouragement through constructive feedback and practical exercises.  

Towards your Personal and professional growth with an accountability and thought partner.

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Tailored to meet your needs, goals and learning style.

Achieve your goals 

with Confidence!

Gain insights

Coaching Sessions: With patience, transparency and honesty, we will explore your perceived limitations, identify your strengths, and build confidence to achieve your goals.  

Deepen understanding

Assessments: To help you gain a deeper understanding of your strengths, development areas and leadership style you may participate in any of the following:
  • Gallup Clifton Strengths Assessment
  • DiSC Assessment
  • IDI (Intercultural Development Inventory) Assessment

Take Action

Goal Setting & Action Planning: Together we will set achievable goals and develop an action plan to achieve them. 

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